4:30 – 6:30pm London
Face-to-face and Virtual
Over the years there has been a lot of excitement of Agile coming out of software development to be deployed in other core business units. Unfortunately, it is often misapplied and ultimately fails at many corporates.
When applied well Agile methods are more collaborative and creative and can be more efficient than other business models but companies must first understand why their current business structures need to change.
Once this has been established a key skill is to mix and match agile techniques to accelerate selectively especially within big corporate governance frameworks. Understanding where it fits, where it works and where it doesn’t is what some leading-edge companies like Direct Line are doing.
Managing Director – Marketing & Digital @ Direct Line Group
Mark is an Executive level marketer and Non-Executive director with several side-hustles.
At Direct Line Group he is Managing Director for Marketing & Digital with responsibility for brand, communications, CRM, insight, digital and data across the brand portfolio. He is also Exec sponsor for the BAME element of DLG’s D&I activity, and sits on the Board of DLG Legal Services.
Prior to Direct Line Group Mark worked at HSBC, 118118 and Mars in a range of marketing and commercial roles.
Mark also serves as Non-Executive Director of Learnetal, an Ed Tech business, Chairman of the School of Marketing, Chairman of the Advertising Association Front Foot, and co-host of the “Oh The Places We’ll Go” web show. He also founded the Sprintathon in 2016 which seeks to #beatcancerfaster and has raised over £500k to date for Stand Up To Cancer.
Mark is a Fellow of the Marketing Society and of the Marketing Academy and has been recognised externally as the Financial Services Forum Marketer of the Year in 2015, the Marketing Society Leader of the Year in 2018, and within Campaign’s Power 100 Hall of Fame.
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