As a high-touch membership organisation, IP supports leaders to future-proof their businesses.
🤝 We facilitate bespoke introductions between corporates, expert partners and startups / scaleups.
🔦 Through roundtable meetings, we showcase case studies of radical / incremental / disruptive innovation, as well as change management / transformation solutions.
Membership is by invitation only and is for board members and C-suite of large organisations and technology firms of any size.
Our members are typically Chairs, Non-Executive Directors, CxOs (CEOs, CIOs / CTOs, Chief People Officers / CHROs, COOs, Chief Innovation Officers, Chief Procurement Officers, Chief Sustainability Officers), business unit leaders and change / strategy budget holders.
To be part of our ecosystem, apply to join as a Member or as an Expert Partner.
Corina is the founder of Innovation Partnership.
She has been working in commercial roles since 2006, notably for Dale Carnegie and also leading peer-learning networks for Chairs / Non-Executive Directors, CEOs / C-suite of FTSE, Fortune, large pension funds and technology firms.
She has led delegations to Silicon Valley and Tel Aviv, visiting emerging startups, venture capital firms and corporate incubators.
Corina is a connections 'junkie'. She is always thinking about who can add value to an individual/business and vice-versa. Her great passions are economics, startups innovations and working to help businesses as they grow and reinvent themselves.
Corina completed a Disruptive Strategy programme with Harvard University and participated in a 'No-Code AI and Machine Learning' course with MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). She has previously founded a food startup and is on the board of Battersea Dogs and Cats Home.
She has travelled to over 80 countries, loves fashion and soca music.
Susan is Innovation Partnership's Network Chair, chairing the annual advisory board.
Susan is Chair of Tangle Teezer and Chair Designate of Inter.Earth, and sits on the boards of Moonpig plc and Uber UK.
She is a Founding Director of Chapter Zero, and is involved in several start-ups in carbon capture and sustainability.
Rich is the Network Director at Innovation Partnership.
For the last 30 years-plus, Rich has worked with over 270 global and local businesses, each one seeking a sustainable, competitive edge – through people. Challenging and developing talent from entry-level, across organisations and into the Boardroom, he has been involved with recruitment, training, coaching and consulting. His engagements have taken him around the World as a speaker and also to provide tactical support to change initiatives – a favourite, but always challenging, ‘mission’.
Rich has personal experience of start-ups – and has appeared on television, radio and in mainstream media talking about his own business innovations. He has also been a panel expert for leadership and innovation forums. Rich is pleased to have been instrumental in helping others breakthrough growth barriers and reach their end goals.
A believer in lively discussion and challenging the status quo. Rich enjoys finding the so-called ‘sacred cows’ in any organisation and helping businesses to overcome politics, fear and inertia.
Anna is the Head of Member Experience and Operations at Innovation Partnership.
She has over 15 years of customer service and events management experience acquired in different industries, and over 8 years experience helping charities and startups to build a sustainable structure and scale up.
Her mission is to create internal efficiency that translates in faster and better stakeholders’ experience, while increasing the level of well-being and work satisfaction within the team.
She believes in a culture of kindness and inclusion, valuing people and knowledge as well as growth.
Her passion is in ocean conservation and she has achieved multiple diving qualifications as well as a certificate in ‘Sustainable Development and Conservation Science’ with Richmond University. On her spare time you’ll probably find her volunteering with turtles and coral reefs around the world, or helping out cleaning waterways in London.
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