
Includes tailored introductions, roundtable discussions, case studies and knowledge exchange, private dinners, startup searches, conferences, immersive delegations and more


Facilitated introductions to other corporates, experts and startups/scaleups. Members priorities are matched with other board members/C-suite/CxOs that are going through or have gone through similar journeys.

Introductions can also highlight the current and future innovation and change landscape, and ensure successful adoption, supporting businesses to become more agile and adaptable.


Monthly roundtable meetings (in person and virtual) with other board members and C-level executives from large organisations and tech companies of any size.

Sessions are interactive and are designed to help senior leaders stay updated on the latest thinking and applications of emerging technologies and business models. They provide practical solutions on how organisations need to rapidly change and adapt.


Private Dinners

Our Chairs, Non-Executive Directors and C-suite members regularly get together for exquisite private dining experiences with delicious food and wine pairings.


Innovation Xchange

The ability to ask other C-suite leaders their insight on various business priorities/challenges. Look for innovative solutions, exchange ideas and knowledge, and arrange one-to-one meetings with the relevant connections.

Member Hub

A curated platform which includes the full-length videos from our previous roundtables, in-depth discussions on the latest innovation applications, emerging business models, tech trends, ideas, transformation and change management case studies.


Immersive Delegations

Opportunities to join national and international delegations and visit innovation ecosystems – meet and hear from entrepreneurs, startups/scaleups, investors and venture capital firms (VCs), corporate incubators and innovation labs.

Following successful tours in Silicon Valley and Tel Aviv, the Innovation Partnership team will curate an intensive programme highlighting emerging technologies and business models.

VR Headset & Meetings

Members receive Oculus Quest 2 headsets to join virtual reality meetings as well as virtual tours.

Global Innovation Summit

Access passes to our annual innovation and change focused conference, an event with forward-looking keynotes and curated case studies from a variety of industries and topics. In-person access is exclusively for board members and C-level executives of large organisations and also tech entrepreneurs.



Innovation Hackathon

Unlock and realise hidden potential within your organisation!

A unique 7-month programme, where cross-functional teams (5 individuals in each team), address real issues and opportunities within their company. At the same time, enhancing and developing their own professional and personal skills.

Participants engage in a blend of face-to-face and online events, each team working on their own company’s project. Teams will interact to share best practice from different industries.

The programme culminates at the final presentation and awards ceremony in London where teams will pitch their MVP / POC / working prototype, for recognition and for the possibility of the Innovation Hackathon Award.

Members receive a discounted rate



Who Can Join?

Membership is by invitation only and is for board members and C-suite of large organisations and also CEOs/founders of technology firms of any size. Our members are typically Chairs, Non-Executive Directors, CxOs (CEOs, CIOs/CTOs, CHROs, COOs, Chief Innovation Officers, Chief Procurement Officers, Chief Sustainability Officers), business unit leaders and change/strategy budget holders.



Become a member

Membership is for board members and C-suite of large organisations and tech entrepreneurs. If you would like to find out more about our membership options, complete the form and we will be in touch shortly.