News from the team

We welcome to our team Rich Marsh, who joins to support our members and expert partners with added value, insights and skills.

Rich is also currently the Senior Board Advisor @ Advanced Bacterial Sciences and Head of Investor Relations @ Alexia Capital Management.

For the last 30 years-plus, Rich has worked with over 270 global and local businesses, each one seeking a sustainable, competitive edge – through people. Challenging and developing talent from entry-level, across organisations and into the Boardroom, he has been involved with recruitment, training, coaching and consulting. His engagements have taken him around the World as a speaker and also to provide tactical support to change initiatives – a favourite, but always challenging, ‘mission’.

Rich has personal experience of start-ups – and has appeared on television, radio and in mainstream media talking about his own business innovations. He has also been a panel expert for leadership and innovation forums. Rich is pleased to have been instrumental in helping others breakthrough growth barriers and reach their end goals.

A believer in lively discussion and challenging the status quo. Rich enjoys finding the so-called ‘sacred cows’ in any organisation and helping businesses to overcome politics, fear and inertia.

Corina Balaneanu

Founder, Innovation Partnership

IP is a board and C-suite network focused solely on innovation and change. 👉 Matchmaking - sourcing pioneering solutions and connecting corporates with other corporates or startups. 👉 Roundtables - monthly discussions showcasing innovation and change management case studies.